
By Elizabeth Mesley.  Last Updated on July 11, 2024

Curious how Learning Revolution can empower you to teach, reach a wider audience, and turn your knowledge into income? See what real clients value most about their Learning Revolution experience.

Gaynor Farmer-Katics – Founder of Enhanced Touch

“When I first had the idea of creating online courses for my business I found Learning Revolution through a Google search and I immediately saw their founder Jeff as an experienced online course creator who had lots of ideas that could help me. It was through an email from Jeff that I discovered and chose Thinkific as my learning management system. I have sent several questions to the Learning Revolution over the years and find I get replies in a prompt manner.”

Gaynor Farmer-Katics – Enhanced Touch
Vern Schellenger

Vern Schellenger – Contacts Count

“I have recommended Learning Revolution to a number of people in my network who are learning and development professionals.  Learning Revolution has provided me valuable information on everything from selecting an LMS provider to pricing online programs, to how and why of Master Classes. Jeff and his team are always on the leading edge of what’s happening in the learning and development profession.”

Vern Schellenger – President & CEO – Contacts Count

Ary Luiz Bon

Consultor durante mais de 30 anos, no Brasil, hรก 4 anos passei a morar na Flรณrida, Estados Unidos. Isso foi importante para a carreira da minha esposa, que teve uma oferta de relocaรงรฃo para cรก, na mesma empresa onde ela trabalha.

Naturalmente no meu caso (para continuar consultor) representa comeรงar tudo de novo, porque grande parte do marketing da consultoria รฉ o boca-a-boca. Minhas tentativas anteriores de estabelecer uma presenรงa profissional virtual, foram pรญfias. Agora, se tornaram uma necessidade.

Mas, “รฉ uma selva lรก fora” como dizem, com gente oferecendo “soluรงรตes” que parecem mais o anzol da pesca.”Fique rico com cursos online”,”Seja um coach virtual”,”Auto – publique seu livro para eliminar intermediรกrios”,”Dicas e truques para seu workshop virtual”, e por aรญ vai.”

O “Learning Revolution” por outro lado, advoga o ensino ร  distancia sem fazer esse tipo de promessas estapafรบrdias. Ao contrรกrio, tem a postura de apresentar opรงรตes realรญsticas dentro do que existe de forma abrangente, de maneira isenta, como deveria ser a agenda de toda a mรญdia jornalรญstica

Estou seguindo os artigos publicados no site learningrevolution.net que tem me ajudado a preparar meu blog, complementar artigos que publico, e preparar minha base de dados para minha futura “academia virtual”. ร‰ um pouco como “nรฃo me sentir sรณzinho” neste processo.

Eu recomendo.

My Testimony Translated To English

I worked as a consultant in Brazil for more than 30 years before relocating to Florida four years ago. This was significant for my wife’s career because she received an offer to move to this area and remain employed by the same company.

It would require a fresh start for me to carry on as a consultant. This is due in large part to the word-of-mouth nature of the marketing for the activity. I made very little progress in the past in trying to create a professional online presence. These days, having a virtual presence is essential.

However, as they say, “it’s a jungle out there,” with people providing “solutions” that resemble fishing hooks more often than not. Many advertisements for “Be a virtual coach” and “Get rich with online courses” are visible. Alternatively, there are instances such as “Auto – publish to cut intermediaries,” “Tips & tricks for virtual workshop,” and so on.

Without making any such “weird” claims, the “Learning Revolution” promotes remote learning. As the media ought to, it offers impartial, realistic, and thorough presentations of the available options.

I’m reading the articles on the website. These aid in the setup of my database for my upcoming “virtual academy,” the preparation of my blog, and the improvement of my articles. It’s similar to “not feeling alone” during this phase.

I do recommend following them up.”

Ary Luiz Bon – Consultant

Linda Guenette

As a professional constantly seeking to improve my skills and stay ahead in my field, I’ve found The Learning Revolution’s resources incredibly valuable.

The guides, especially ‘The Learning Revolutionary’s Toolbox’ and ‘The Masterclass Action Plan,’ have been game-changers, offering practical insights and tools that directly apply to my work. The ‘Course Platform Selection Guide’ was instrumental in helping me choose the right platform for my needs, simplifying what could have been an overwhelming process.

The online courses, such as ‘Presenting for Impact,’ have significantly enhanced my presentation skills, making me more confident and effective. The Platform Selection Power Primer course was equally enlightening, deepening my understanding of selecting and utilizing digital platforms for maximum impact. The bi-monthly ‘Revolutionary Resources’ newsletter has become a much-awaited resource, always brimming with fresh ideas and perspectives. And the webinars with guest experts? They’re informative and truly inspiring, providing real-world insights and networking opportunities that take work to find elsewhere. Lastly, the expert reviews of technology tools and platforms have been invaluable. They’ve saved countless hours of research and helped me make informed decisions about the tools I integrate into my educational practices.

In summary, your resources have been pivotal in my professional growth journey. I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone looking to enhance their skills.”

Linda Guenette – Managing Partner at Diversified Operations

Jeffrey M Lime, BS, MS, CAC, AE-C – Chief Health Officer

Learning Revolution has been instrumental in our journey to design an educational curriculum for our micro-school. Their extensive range of resources and insightful guidance allowed us to select the perfect learning platform, aligning seamlessly with our unique educational goals. Their support not only enriched our curriculum but also empowered us as edupreneurs, enabling us to reach and positively impact our student community more effectively.”

Jeffrey M. Line, BS, MS, CAC, AE-C – Chief Health Officer and Infection Prevention Epidemiologist

Trish Parrott

I would like to acknowledge how much value I receive from the Learning Revolution information. Jeff, the founder, has the ability to funnel information into useful chunks and to deliver this in a variety of accessible ways through relevant guides, courses, newsletters, webinars, and reviews. This helps busy people keep learning and improving their skills and offerings in the online course space. I always open the Learning Revolution posts because they never fail to deliver valuable information that I can directly apply to my work. I have also found the information to be great motivational tools – encouraging me through challenging times by feeling part of something bigger that is thoughtful and professional. Thank you, Jeff, for the work you put into delivering a terrific resource.

Trish Parrott – Co-CEO of Parrott’s Perch

Antonio L. Adrover

“As a Manager in a private school, I want to stay in touch with the latest developments. I find Learning Revolution very inspiring and it provides a lot of state of the art threads to follow.”

Antonio L. Adrover – Private School Manager

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