21+ Best ChatGPT Prompts for Course Creators [With Examples]

By Jeff Cobb.  Last Updated on July 11, 2024

The world knows you as a successful online course creator.

But behind the scenes, you’re an exhausted solopreneur, always stretched for time, juggling multiple tasks to ensure your digital product empire doesn’t fall down.

You may have an army of VAs and freelancers to help you. But training and managing them can take so much time and effort, it’s like running a parallel business.

But ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) can help you win back your time and sanity.

If you know how to write ChatGPT prompts, you can quickly research course ideas, create outlines, write scripts, design marketing funnels, and automate pretty much everything in your eLearning business.

Sounds like a dream, right?

In this article, we’ll show you how to turn it into a reality using descriptive ChatGPT prompts. We’ll not only explain prompt engineering but also give you copy/paste prompts to simplify your online course creation process using AI.

Let’s dive in.

What Is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is the skill of writing descriptive text prompts (commands) that accurately communicate your goal to a generative AI tool and give it the required information to create high-quality results for you.

Plus, it includes understanding the capabilities and limitations of different generative AI models and using the right tool for your content needs.

In simpler words, a prompt engineer knows how to communicate with ChatGPT, Bard, Bing AI, Jasper, and other generative AI tools.

Thankfully, you don’t need an engineering degree to become a prompt engineer.

Play with ChatGPT long enough, and you’ll understand how it operates and what kind of commands or prompts generate accurate results.

Why is Prompt Engineering such a big deal?

Because the quality of a generative AI tool’s results depends almost entirely on the quality of your text prompts.

If you don’t know how to write ChatGPT prompts, it will respond with repetitive, vague, and low-quality content that anyone can identify as AI-generated at first sight.

But when you understand prompt engineering, you can use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools to produce jaw-dropping results that an average user can only dream of.

In short, writing ChatGPT prompts is a skill, and if you want to rule the AI age as a content creator, you must master this skill.

How To Write Prompts For ChatGPT? Key Points To Remember

Before we share different ChatGPT prompts for creating online courses, you must understand a few things about this technology.

Writing ChatGPT prompts is an iterative process. You’d rarely write a prompt that produces the perfect results in the first go.

Instead, you must train ChatGPT by adding context, background information, style details, examples, and references to your prompts.

In our experience, it usually takes 5-10 prompts to get the results you want from ChatGPT.

So, how do you write the perfect ChatGPT prompts? Here’s a quick list of things to remember.

Ask ChatGPT To Play The Part

Need marketing advice from ChatGPT? Ask it to think like Seth Godin and create a plan for you. Want to design an online course? Ask ChatGPT to be your mentor.

Want to edit an article? Tell ChatGPT to become a New York Times editor.

How is this useful? ChatGPT has limitless data on every topic that it can approach from different angles depending on the context. By assigning it a role, you can provide the relevant background details to help you create your desired content.

So, when starting a new chat, think of the best person to help you with your goal and ask ChatGPT to play that role.

Describe Your Goal

If you want ChatGPT to produce accurate results, brief it about your goal, target audience, product, and anything else it should know.

For example, if you’re creating a lesson for an online course, don’t directly give ChatGPT the topic. Instead, describe your course, the target audience, learning outcomes, and where the lesson fits in the training program.

Train Your AI

Want ChatGPT to write in a specific style or copy a competitor’s teaching style? Give it samples to study, analyze, and learn from.

For example, copy/paste a dozen articles one by one from a competitor’s blog into ChatGPT and ask it to replicate the same writing style to create content on a different topic.

Similarly, feed it with the latest stats and research studies to use while creating your course content.

It excels at identifying unique styles, patterns, and data from different content examples. So, feed it with as many samples as possible before generating your content.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

If you’re seeking new information or advice from ChatGPT, keep your prompts open-ended to avoid any response bias. For example, instead of saying, “Why is ClickFunnels the best landing page tool?” write, “How do you rate ClickFunnels as a landing page tool?” or “What are the pros and cons of ClickFunnels?”.

Be Specific

If you know what you want from ChatGPT, be as specific in your prompts as possible. Give it every detail that can be useful in generating an accurate response. For example, if you want to write an article, tell ChatGPT what questions the content should answer, who the reader is, their problem, the writing tone and style, content difficulty, structure, and length.

Provide Feedback

ChatGPT learns from your feedback to improve its responses. So, don’t expect it to generate the perfect response on your first prompt. Instead, consider it an assistant and help it improve by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of its response.

The Best ChatGPT Prompts For Creating An Online Course

Can you create a complete online course with ChatGPT? Not exactly.

A recent study on the factors impacting the purchase of online courses found that the instructor’s profile and credibility play a vital role in its success.

ChatGPT or any AI tool cannot fully replace the unique experiences you offer as an instructor and content creator.

But it can drastically enhance your course creation process by replacing busywork, simplifying research, accelerating content creation, and improving just about every aspect of building an online course.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss ChatGPT prompts for various course creation tasks. These prompts are flexible, so feel free to change them according to your niche, target audience, and course topic.

Ask ChatGPT To Walk You Through The Course Creation Process

If you’re a complete newbie and have no idea where to start your course creation process, ChatGPT will walk you through each step.

How? Just ask it to mentor you.

Here’s a prompt I used to kick off things.

ChatGPT Prompt: You’re an expert online course creator and digital product seller. I want you to create an online course but have no idea where to start. Please mentor me. Walk me through every step of the process. Make this a multi-prompt chat in which you give me ideas, I take action, you share feedback, and then we move to the next step until we launch the course
ChatGPT Response: I’d be happy to guide you through the process of creating and launching your online course step by step.

Let’s start from the very beginning.
Step 1: Define Your Course Topic and Audience
Idea Generation: What topics or skills are you passionate about or knowledgeable in? Consider your expertise and what you can teach effectively.
Audience Research: Who is your target audience? Define their demographics, interests, and needs. What problems can your course solve for them?
Market Research: Look at existing courses in your niche. What’s missing? What unique perspective or approach can you offer?  Share your ideas, and I’ll provide feedback and help you narrow down your course topic.

Step 2: Outline Your Course Content
Course Structure: How will your course be structured? What modules or sections will it have?
Lesson Plan: Outline the content for each module/section. What are the key learning objectives for each?Resources: Will you provide additional resources, such as worksheets, quizzes, or downloadable materials? 
Once you have an outline, I can help you ensure it’s well-structured for effective learning.

Step 3: Choose the Right Content Format
Video, Text, or Both: Will your course be primarily video-based, text-based, or a combination?
Interactive Elements: Consider adding quizzes, assignments, and discussions to engage your learners.

Let me know your preference, and I can provide guidance on creating engaging content.

Step 4: Set Up Your Online Course Platform  
Choose a Platform: Select a Learning Management System (LMS) like Teachable, Udemy, or create your own website.
Course Hosting: Decide whether you want to self-host or use a third-party platform.
Pricing Model: Determine how you’ll price your course – one-time purchase, subscription, or freemium?  I can advise you on the pros and cons of different platforms and pricing models.  

Step 5: Create and Edit Your Content
Recording and Editing: If creating videos, what equipment and software will you use?
Content Quality: Ensure high-quality production and engaging delivery.
Script and Materials: Prepare scripts, slides, and any supplementary materials. 

Let me know your resources and constraints, and I can give tips on content creation.  

Step 6: Test Your Course  
Beta Test: Have a small group of people take your course and provide feedback.
Refinements: Make necessary adjustments based on their feedback.
Pilot Launch: Run a pilot launch to a larger audience at a discounted rate for further feedback. 
I can help you plan your beta and pilot tests.  

Step 7: Market Your Course
Marketing Plan: Develop a marketing strategy, including email campaigns, social media, and possibly ads.
Sales Page: Create an attractive and informative sales page for your course.
Launch Timeline: Plan your launch date and build excitement. 
I can provide guidance on marketing strategies and help you create a compelling sales page.  

Step 8: Launch and Promote Your Course  
Launch Day: Execute your marketing plan, announce your course, and make it available for purchase.
Promotion: Continue promoting your course after the launch.
Feedback Loop: Collect feedback from your initial learners and make improvements. 
I can offer insights into launching and post-launch strategies.  

Step 9: Monitor and Scale
Analyze Results: Track your course’s performance. What’s working, and what needs improvement?
Scaling: Consider creating more courses or scaling your existing one.
Continuous Learning: Stay updated on e-learning trends and adjust your courses accordingly. 

Throughout this process, I’ll be here to guide you, provide feedback, and answer any questions you have. Let’s start with the first step: defining your course topic and audience. Share your ideas and we can continue from there!  

Just like that, you have a complete roadmap to launching an online course with an AI mentor to help you.

Let’s continue chatting.

ChatGPT Prompt: Awesome, let’s continue
Step 1: Define Your Course Topic and Audience  
Idea Generation: What topics or skills are you passionate about or knowledgeable in? Consider your expertise and what you can teach effectively.
Audience Research: Who is your target audience? Define their demographics, interests, and needs. What problems can your course solve for them?
Market Research: Look at existing courses in your niche. What’s missing? What unique perspective or approach can you offer? 

Please share your ideas and thoughts on these points, and we can discuss and refine them.  

Now it has started breaking down each step into actionable points.

ChatGPT Prompt: Help me with idea generation. How do I come up with awesome course ideas?
ChatGPT Response: Generating course ideas can be both exciting and challenging. Here are some strategies to help you brainstorm and come up with awesome course ideas:
Identify Your Expertise: Start by listing your areas of expertise, skills, and knowledge. What are you passionate about? What do people often ask you for advice on? Consider your professional background and hobbies. 

Audience Needs: Think about what problems or challenges your target audience faces. What knowledge or skills can you share that would help them solve these issues? Your course should provide practical value. Niche Research: Explore niche communities, forums, and social media groups related to your areas of interest. What questions do people frequently ask? What topics generate discussions and interest? 

Competitor Analysis: Look at existing online courses in your niche. What topics are they covering, and are there gaps or areas they aren’t addressing? Your course can fill these gaps or offer a unique perspective. 

Survey Your Audience: If you have an existing audience (even a small one), consider conducting surveys or interviews to gather insights into their needs and preferences. This can guide your course topic selection. 

Trending Topics: Keep an eye on current trends and developments in your field. These can be excellent sources for course ideas, as people often seek up-to-date information and skills. 

Cross-Pollination: Sometimes, combining two seemingly unrelated topics can lead to innovative course ideas. Think about how your expertise in one area can complement another. 

Personal Growth and Hobby Courses: Personal development, well-being, and hobby-related courses are popular. If you have a passion for a particular hobby or interest, it could be a great course topic. 

Demographic Considerations: Think about the age, gender, and location of your target audience. Tailor your course topic to their specific needs and interests. 

Solve Pain Points: Identify common pain points in your niche and create a course that offers practical solutions. People are more likely to invest in courses that address their challenges. 

After considering these strategies, jot down a list of potential course ideas. Once you have a few in mind, share them with me, and we can discuss which one has the most potential for your first course.  

Can you see where this is going?

The more you tell ChatGPT about your expertise, interests, and potential audience, the better response it will generate for you.

You can continue those chats to get a complete online course plan.

Prompts For Generating Course Ideas

Anyone in the e-learning industry will tell you that finding profitable course ideas is among the most challenging parts of the course creation process.

But you can simplify it using the right ChatGPT prompts.

ChatGPT Prompt: I have been a freelance writer for nearly 8 years now and have worked with technology blogs and SaaS companies like HubSpot, Selz, Loom, Shopify, Ahrefs, SEMRush, SimilarWeb, and many others. Plus I’ve written for many affiliate marketing and SEO sites as well. I understand the whole SEO process and know how to create content strategies that drive leads and customers. 

Based on my expertise, who do you think can be my target audience and what course ideas can you suggest?
ChatGPT Response:   With your extensive experience in freelance writing, technology blogs, and working with SaaS companies, you have a wealth of knowledge in content creation, SEO, and digital marketing. Your target audience should include individuals or businesses looking to improve their content marketing and SEO strategies. Here are some potential course ideas based on your expertise:  

**1. Content Marketing Masterclass:**     
– Course Description: A comprehensive guide to creating and executing successful content marketing strategies. Cover topics like content ideation, SEO optimization, content creation, distribution, and measuring ROI.   
– Target Audience: Content creators, digital marketers, bloggers, small business owners, or anyone looking to enhance their content marketing skills.  

**2. SEO Fundamentals for Content Creators:**     
– Course Description: Teach the foundational principles of SEO, keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, and technical SEO. Provide practical tips and tools for optimizing content.   
– Target Audience: Content writers, bloggers, marketers, and website owners seeking to improve their search engine rankings.  

**3. Writing for SaaS: Content that Converts:**     
– Course Description: Focus on writing for SaaS (Software as a Service) companies, covering SaaS content best practices, user personas, product descriptions, and customer journey mapping.   
– Target Audience: Freelance writers looking to specialize in SaaS content, content marketers, and SaaS companies seeking to improve their content strategy.  

**4. Affiliate Marketing Success: Content Strategies that Drive Sales:**     
– Course Description: Explore how to create affiliate marketing content that converts. Cover content selection, review writing, SEO for affiliate sites, and partnership strategies.   
– Target Audience: Affiliate marketers, bloggers, and online entrepreneurs.  

**5. Effective Blogging for Businesses:**     
– Course Description: Teach businesses how to use blogging for lead generation, brand awareness, and customer engagement. Cover topics like blog planning, SEO, and content promotion.   
– Target Audience: Small business owners, marketing professionals, and startups.  

**6. Advanced Content Strategies for SaaS Growth:**     
– Course Description: Dive deeper into SaaS content strategies, including user engagement, feature highlight content, email campaigns, and leveraging user-generated content.   
– Target Audience: Content marketers, SaaS product managers, and growth hackers.  

These course ideas leverage your expertise and cater to different audiences, from content creators and marketers to SaaS professionals and business owners. Once you decide on a specific course topic, we can move on to the next steps in the course creation process. Which idea resonates with you the most, or do you have any other preferences or questions to discuss?

Wow, those are great ideas.

But is there a specific angle or audience you have in mind? Let ChatGPT know.

ChatGPT Prompt: I’m more interested in targeting aspiring freelance writers. Can you help me come up with course ideas
ChatGPT Response:

Certainly! Targeting aspiring freelance writers is a great idea, as you have extensive experience in this field. Here are some course ideas tailored to this audience:  

**1. Freelance Writing 101: Kickstart Your Writing Career:**     
– Course Description: A beginner’s guide to freelance writing. Cover the fundamentals of finding clients, crafting pitches, setting rates, and delivering quality content.   
– Target Audience: Individuals looking to start a freelance writing career.  

**2. Content Creation for Freelance Writers:**      – Course Description: Dive into the art of content creation. Explore different writing styles, content types, and techniques for producing engaging and persuasive content.    – Target Audience: Aspiring freelance writers who want to hone their content creation skills.  

**3. Building a Profitable Freelance Writing Business:**     
– Course Description: Focus on the business side of freelance writing. Learn about marketing yourself, client management, pricing strategies, and creating a sustainable writing business.   
– Target Audience: Freelance writers aiming to turn their passion into a profitable business.  

**4. Niche Specialization for Freelance Writers:**     
– Course Description: Guide aspiring writers on how to choose a niche and build expertise in specific industries (e.g., tech, finance, healthcare) to attract high-paying clients.   
– Target Audience: Writers looking to specialize and increase their market value.  

**5. SEO Writing for Freelancers:**     
– Course Description: Teach the essentials of SEO writing. Cover keyword research, on-page optimization, and how to write content that ranks well on search engines.   
– Target Audience: Freelance writers who want to provide SEO-focused content.  

**6. Pitching and Networking for Freelance Writers:**     
– Course Description: Focus on finding and winning clients. Discuss effective pitching strategies, networking techniques, and building a portfolio that sells.   
– Target Audience: Writers looking to improve their client acquisition skills.  

**7. Freelance Writing Tools and Productivity Hacks:**     
– Course Description: Explore tools and techniques to streamline your writing process, boost productivity, and manage your freelance writing business more efficiently.   
– Target Audience: Freelance writers seeking to optimize their workflow.  

**8. Overcoming Freelance Writing Challenges:**     
– Course Description: Address common challenges in freelance writing, including writer’s block, time management, client relations, and staying motivated throughout your career.   
– Target Audience: Freelance writers looking to overcome obstacles and excel in their careers.  

These course ideas cater specifically to aspiring freelance writers and cover a range of essential topics to help them start, grow, and succeed in their writing careers. Feel free to choose the one that aligns best with your expertise and the needs of your target audience. Once you’ve made a decision, we can move on to the next steps in creating your course.  

Those are useful ideas, but we need to refine them.

ChatGPT Prompt: Can you refine these ideas and make them more goal-oriented? I want the audience to immediately know what they’ll achieve by taking my course. For example, “Earn your first $1000 in 60 days with freelance blogging”. Do you get what I’m saying?
ChatGPT Response:   Absolutely, I understand what you’re looking for. Creating course titles and descriptions that are goal-oriented can be highly effective in attracting your target audience. Here are refined course ideas with clear goals:  

**1. “Jumpstart Your Freelance Writing Career: Land Your First Paying Client in 30 Days”**     
– Course Description: This course is designed to help aspiring freelance writers secure their first paid writing gig within 30 days by providing practical strategies for pitching and attracting clients.  

**2. “Content Mastery for Freelancers: Write High-Quality Articles That Earn $1000 Monthly”**     
– Course Description: Learn how to create top-notch content that generates a consistent income of $1000 or more per month as a freelance writer.  

**3. “Freelance Writing Business Blueprint: Build a Profitable Income Stream in 90 Days”**     
– Course Description: Discover the step-by-step plan to establish a profitable freelance writing business within 90 days, including client acquisition, pricing, and sustainable growth.  

**4. “Niche Expertise for Writers: Master an Industry and Earn $500 per Article”**     
– Course Description: Become an authority in a niche and earn $500 or more per article by learning how to choose, specialize in, and excel in a specific industry.  

**5. “SEO Writing Mastery: Rank on Google and Earn $100 per Blog Post”**     
– Course Description: Master the art of SEO writing to rank your content on Google’s first page and earn $100 or more per blog post as a freelance writer.  

**6. “Pitch Perfect: Land High-Paying Clients and Earn $2000 in 60 Days”**     
– Course Description: Learn the art of crafting persuasive pitches to secure high-paying clients and reach the goal of earning $2000 within 60 days.  

**7. “Freelance Writing Productivity Hacks: Write Faster and Double Your Income”**     
– Course Description: Boost your writing speed, efficiency, and income by implementing proven productivity hacks for freelance writers.  

**8. “Overcome Freelance Writing Roadblocks: Achieve Consistent Success in Your Career”**     
– Course Description: Overcome common obstacles in your freelance writing journey, such as writer’s block and time management issues, to achieve consistent success and advancement in your career.  

These refined course ideas clearly state the desired outcomes for your aspiring freelance writer audience, making it easier for them to understand the value and benefits of enrolling in your courses. Let me know which one resonates with you, or if you have any other preferences or questions to discuss.  

Now we’re talking.

Use the same approach to refine ideas in your niche and keep chatting with ChatGPT until it fully understands what you want and generates unique and accurate responses.

Alternatively, if you already have an audience, ChatGPT can suggest ideas baked on their interests.

ChatGPT Prompt: I’m a qualified health coach and turned around my life by losing 60 kgs in less than 6 months when I started having cholesterol and diabetes symptoms. I’ve been living a healthy life for the last 5 years and now help others with my experiences.  

I have an email list of around 5000 subscribers, 80% from the USA, mostly male between 25-45 years of age. They signed up to my email list after downloading an eBook about easy home-based weight loss exercises. I now send them a weekly email about healthy living, the right food choices, improving cardio health, staying fitter, losing fat, and living a more active life. My email open rates are around 50%.  

I want to monetize this audience by creating an online course for them. Considering their interests, engagement rate with my emails, the lead magnet they downloaded, their demographics, and my expertise, please suggest ten online course ideas.  

For every idea, tell me the following.  
– Suggested title (should make a specific promise)
– Target audience – Course length (number of modules and lessons)
– Course format (text, video, coaching or anything else)
– 5 sub-points explaining how the idea solves the audience’s problem  
ChatGPT Response: It’s fantastic that you want to leverage your expertise and engaged email list to create an online course. Given your qualifications and the interests of your audience, here are 10 course ideas tailored to your subscribers:  

**1. Course Title: “6-Week Total Body Transformation: Lose Weight, Regain Health”**     
– Target Audience: Men aged 25-45 in the USA with an interest in weight loss and fitness.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with practical demonstrations.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Comprehensive weight loss strategies backed by your personal journey.     
2. Customized workout plans for home-based exercises.     
3. Nutritional guidance and meal planning for healthier living.     
4. Psychological and motivational support for lasting change.     
5. Ongoing coaching and accountability to ensure success.  

**2. Course Title: “Healthy Meal Prep Mastery: Simplify Nutrition, Maximize Results”**     
– Target Audience: Your subscribers are interested in making better food choices.   
– Course Length: 4 weeks, with 4 modules.   
– Course Format: Video lessons with practical cooking demonstrations.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Expert guidance on meal planning and grocery shopping.     
2. Cooking demonstrations for tasty and nutritious meals.     
3. Portion control and balanced eating for sustained weight loss.     
4. Strategies for eating out without compromising health goals.     
5. Continuous access to recipe resources and support.  

**3. Course Title: “Active Lifestyle Blueprint: Unlocking the Secrets to a Healthier You”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers interested in living a more active life.   
– Course Length: 8 weeks, with 8 modules.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons with weekly live coaching sessions.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Building an exercise routine that fits your schedule.     
2. Overcoming common fitness barriers and staying motivated.     
3. Cardiovascular health improvement through effective workouts.     
4. Weight management strategies combined with an active lifestyle.     
5. Weekly live coaching for Q&A and accountability.  

**4. Course Title: “Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals: The Science and Practice”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers looking for a science-based approach to weight loss.   
– Course Length: 10 modules with text-based lessons.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons with downloadable resources.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Understanding the science of weight loss, metabolism, and nutrition.     
2. Personalized diet planning for sustainable results.     
3. Implementing effective home-based workouts.     
4. Tracking and measuring progress for data-driven results.     
5. Access to a supportive online community for shared experiences.  

**5. Course Title: “Couch to 5K: A Beginner’s Guide to Running for Weight Loss”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers interested in incorporating running into their fitness routines.   
– Course Length: 8 weeks, with 8 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with practical running demonstrations.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Start from scratch and progress to running 5K comfortably.     
2. Proper running form, techniques, and injury prevention.     
3. Combining running with a healthy diet for weight loss.     
4. Weekly training plans and gradual progression.     
5. Community support and accountability for new runners.  

**6. Course Title: “Mindful Eating: Transform Your Relationship with Food”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers who want to address emotional eating and improve their eating habits.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with mindfulness exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Identifying emotional eating triggers and breaking the cycle.     
2. Learning mindfulness techniques for better self-awareness.     
3. Cultivating a positive relationship with food and body.     
4. Creating a balanced and sustainable eating plan.     
5. Weekly mindfulness exercises and group discussions for support.  

**7. Course Title: “Weight Loss for Busy Professionals: Time-Efficient Strategies”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers juggling demanding jobs and weight loss goals.   
– Course Length: 4 weeks, with 4 modules.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons with practical time management tools.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Effective time management for workouts and meal preparation.     
2. Strategies for staying active during the workday.     
3. Efficient meal planning and healthy eating on a tight schedule.     
4. Stress management and sleep optimization for weight loss.     
5. Weekly accountability check-ins and tools for busy professionals.  

**8. Course Title: “Bodyweight Workouts for Fat Loss: No Gym Required”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers who prefer home-based, equipment-free workouts.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with at-home workout demonstrations.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Comprehensive bodyweight exercises and routines for fat loss.     
2. Proper form, progression, and injury prevention.     
3. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) for efficient workouts.     
4. Integrating bodyweight exercises into daily routines.     
5. Weekly video workouts and progress tracking.  

**9. Course Title: “The Mental Game of Weight Loss: Overcoming Obstacles”**     
– Target Audience: Subscribers who struggle with mental barriers to weight loss.   
– Course Length: 8 weeks, with 8 modules.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons with self-reflection exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Identifying and addressing mental barriers to weight loss.     
2. Mindset shifts and building self-confidence.     
3. Emotional eating triggers and strategies for control.     
4. Goal-setting and visualization techniques.     
5. Weekly self-reflection exercises and group support.  

**10. Course Title: “Healthy Eating Hacks: Quick Tips for Long-Term Success”**      
– Target Audience: Subscribers looking for quick and practical tips on healthy eating.    
– Course Length: 4 weeks, with 4 modules.    
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with quick tip demonstrations.    
– Sub-Points:      
1. Practical tips for healthier food choices and portion control.      
2. Time-saving cooking techniques for busy individuals.      
3. Snack alternatives and on-the-go eating strategies.      
4. Building a sustainable and enjoyable eating plan.      
5. Weekly video tips and resources for long-term success.  

These course ideas offer a variety of options for monetizing your email list by providing actionable solutions to the problems your subscribers face. You can choose the one that aligns most with your expertise and the interests of your audience. Additionally, feel free to adapt or combine these ideas to create a unique course offering.  

You can replace the details in this prompt to match your audience, topic, interests, and expertise.

And just in case these ideas aren’t enough, you can ask ChatGPT to suggest ideas based on any popular blog post, YouTube video, or online resource.

If you have ChatGPT Plus, it can directly access the resource’s URL. For the free version, you can copy/paste the video or blog post’s title and summary in your prompt.

ChatGPT Prompt:   Suggest 10 online course ideas based on the following YouTube videos.

Title: How to Make $10,000/Month Writing Online
Description: Nicolas Cole is one of the most highly paid online writers, and I recently read his book and spoke to him on my podcast. Here’s everything you need to know from him about how to make money writing online. Enjoy

Transcript: [we pasted the whole transcript here]  
ChatGPT Response:

Based on the YouTube video and the ideas presented in the video, here are 10 online course ideas:  
1. **Copywriting Mastery: From Beginner to 9-Figure Expert**   
– Target Audience: Aspiring copywriters and marketers looking to enhance their copywriting skills.   
– Course Length: 8 weeks, with 8 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with real-world examples and exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. The fundamentals of copywriting.     
2. Crafting persuasive and high-converting copy.     
3. Avoiding common copywriting pitfalls.     
4. Analyzing successful copywriting campaigns.     
5. Becoming a 9-figure copywriter like Stefan Georgi.
2. **Online Writing for Income: Turning Words into Dollars**   
– Target Audience: Aspiring writers interested in making money through online writing.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons with practical exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Differentiating online writing from traditional writing.     
2. Creating content for social media and popular platforms.     
3. Building a personal brand through writing.     
4. Generating ideas that resonate with audiences.     
5. Monetization strategies for online writing.  

3. **Content Creation for Online Success: Mastering Social Media Writing**   
– Target Audience: Individuals looking to excel at social media writing.   
– Course Length: 5 weeks, with 5 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons with hands-on writing assignments.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Crafting engaging social media posts.     
2. Writing compelling captions for various platforms.     
3. Creating content calendars and strategies.     
4. Building and growing an online following.     
5. Maximizing the impact of your online content.  

4. **Digital Marketing Copywriting: Drive Conversions and Sales**   
– Target Audience: Marketing professionals and business owners.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Video lessons and interactive copywriting tasks.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Understanding the psychology of persuasive copy.     
2. Crafting effective landing pages and email campaigns.     
3. A/B testing and optimizing copy for better results.     
4. Writing for various digital marketing channels.     
5. Strategies for boosting conversion rates.  

5. **Nicholas Cole’s Online Writing Success Blueprint**   
– Target Audience: Aspiring online writers looking for a proven path to success.   
– Course Length: 10 weeks, with 10 modules.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons with writing assignments and exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Building a strong online writing presence.     
2. Leveraging social media and popular platforms.     
3. Monetization strategies tailored to your niche.     
4. Generating a loyal online following.     
5. Case studies of online writing success stories.  

6. **The Art and Business of Ghostwriting: Write for the Rich and Famous**   
– Target Audience: Aspiring ghostwriters and writers interested in offering writing services.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons and practical ghostwriting tasks.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Introduction to the world of ghostwriting.     
2. Building a ghostwriting portfolio.     
3. Working with high-profile clients.     
4. Negotiating ghostwriting contracts and fees.     
5. Earning substantial income as a professional ghostwriter.  

7. **Content Marketing Fundamentals: A Step-by-Step Guide**   
– Target Audience: Content creators and marketers.   
– Course Length: 4 weeks, with 4 modules.   
– Course Format: Text-based lessons and hands-on content creation exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Content marketing strategies and planning.     
2. Crafting engaging blog posts, articles, and web content.     
3. Content distribution and SEO for maximum reach.     
4. Measuring and analyzing content performance.     
5. Creating a content marketing roadmap for success.  

8. **Writing for Affiliate Marketing: Boost Earnings through Words**   
– Target Audience: Affiliate marketers and bloggers.   
– Course Length: 5 weeks, with 5 modules.   
– Course Format: Video lessons with affiliate marketing writing tasks.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. Understanding affiliate marketing and monetization.     
2. Creating high-converting affiliate content.     
3. SEO strategies for affiliate marketing.     
4. Tracking and optimizing affiliate marketing performance.     
5. Leveraging writing to maximize affiliate earnings.  

9. **The Power of Persuasion: Crafting Compelling Sales Copy**   
– Target Audience: Sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and marketers.   
– Course Length: 6 weeks, with 6 modules.   
– Course Format: Video-based lessons and practical sales copywriting exercises.   
– Sub-Points:     
1. The psychology of persuasion and influence.     
2. Crafting persuasive sales pages and product descriptions.     
3. A/B testing and optimizing sales copy.     
4. Writing persuasive emails and sales scripts.     
5. Strategies for driving sales and revenue through copy.  

10. **Launching Your Writing Business: From Freelancer to Entrepreneur**    
– Target Audience: Freelance writers looking to scale their business.    
– Course Length: 8 weeks, with 8 modules.    
– Course Format: Text and video-based lessons, business planning exercises.    
– Sub-Points:      
1. Transitioning from freelancer to business owner.      
2. Building a personal brand as a writer-entrepreneur.      
3. Pricing strategies, contracts, and client management.      
4. Scaling your writing business for long-term success.      
5. Case studies of successful writer-entrepreneurs.  

These course ideas cover a range of topics related to online writing, copywriting, content creation, and monetization, providing valuable skills and insights for a broad audience.  

Prompts For Audience Research

People buy online courses to learn new skills, solve specific problems, and get answers to their questions.

You must find those questions and problems to create a successful online course.

Before ChatGPT, you’d research online forums, run surveys, analyze your best content, or perform keyword research to understand audience needs.

Those research techniques are still immensely valuable. But with ChatGPT, the research process is much simpler.

Here are a few prompts to know what your audience wants.

ChatGPT Prompt: Who is the ideal audience for the course title Pitch Perfect: Land High-Paying Clients and Earn $2000 in 60 Days?
ChatGPT Response:

The ideal audience for the course title “Pitch Perfect: Land High-Paying Clients and Earn $2000 in 60 Days” would typically include:  
1. **Aspiring Freelance Writers:** Individuals who are interested in starting or have recently begun their freelance writing careers.  
2. **Freelance Writers Looking to Boost Earnings:** Freelance writers who are already active in the field but want to increase their income by landing higher-paying clients.  
3. **Motivated Beginners:** People who are highly motivated to achieve quick results in their freelance writing careers and are willing to put in the effort to reach the $2000 earnings goal within 60 days.  
4. **Self-Starters:** Those who are proactive and determined to learn and apply effective pitching techniques to secure high-paying clients.  
5. **Goal-Oriented Individuals:** People with specific financial goals in mind, such as earning $2000 within a limited timeframe, who are seeking actionable strategies to achieve those goals.  
6. **Writers Willing to Invest in Learning:** Individuals who are willing to invest in a course to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the freelance writing business.  

Keep in mind that your course should cater to this audience’s needs, expectations, and motivation levels. The course content and delivery should align with their goals of improving their pitching skills and achieving a specific income milestone.  

As you create the course, consider the prior experience and knowledge levels of your target audience. Some may be complete beginners, while others may have some experience in freelance writing. Your course content and teaching approach can be adjusted accordingly.  

Is there anything specific you’d like to know or discuss about your target audience for this course?  

That response gives us a general idea of our audience. But we need to be more specific to create useful content.

ChatGPT Prompt: What are the most common questions of freelancers that I should answer in this course “Pitch Perfect: Land High-Paying Clients and Earn $2000 in 60 Days”?
ChatGPT Response:

Understanding the common questions and pain points of freelancers is crucial for designing a course that addresses their needs effectively. Here are some common questions that freelancers often have, which you can consider answering in your course:  

1. **How do I find high-paying clients as a freelancer?**   
– Provide strategies for identifying and approaching potential clients who are willing to pay well for quality content.  

2. **What should I include in a pitch to grab a client’s attention?**   
– Offer insights into crafting persuasive pitches that make a positive first impression on clients.  

3. **How can I negotiate higher rates with clients?**   
– Share tips and techniques for negotiating better payment terms with clients.  

4. **What are the essential elements of a freelance writer’s portfolio?**   
– Help freelancers understand what to include in their portfolios to showcase their skills and experiences effectively.  

5. **How do I set my freelance writing rates?**   
– Guide freelancers in determining fair and competitive pricing for their services.  

6. **What can I do to stand out from the competition in the freelance writing market?**   
– Share strategies for building a unique personal brand and differentiating oneself in a competitive market.  

7. **How can I manage multiple clients and deadlines effectively?**   
– Offer time management and organizational tips to handle multiple projects without feeling overwhelmed.  

8. **What are the best platforms for finding freelance writing opportunities?**   
– Provide insights into online platforms, job boards, and networking options where freelancers can discover job opportunities.  

9. **How do I handle rejection or non-responses from clients?**   
– Teach freelancers how to deal with rejection and bounce back effectively.  

10. **What legal and contract considerations should I be aware of as a freelancer?**    
– Discuss legal aspects like contracts, copyright, and invoicing to ensure freelancers protect their rights and get paid promptly.  

By addressing these common questions and concerns, your course can provide valuable solutions and guidance to aspiring freelance writers, helping them achieve their goal of landing high-paying clients and earning $2000 in 60 days. Additionally, consider conducting surveys or research within your target audience to gather more specific questions and tailor your course content accordingly.


But we need to break down these questions and get more specific.

ChatGPT Prompt: Help me break down these questions into something actionable. For every question you’ve listed, give 5 sub-questions that people ask on forums or search on the internet.
ChatGPT Response:

Certainly, let’s break down each of the common questions into five sub-questions that people often ask on forums or search for on the internet. These sub-questions can guide you in creating actionable content within your course:  

**1. How do I find high-paying clients as a freelancer?**     
– Sub-Questions:     
1. Where can I find job listings for high-paying freelance writing gigs?     
2. How do I identify businesses or industries that are willing to pay more for content?     
3. What online platforms are best for connecting with high-paying clients?     
4. What strategies can I use to approach and stand out to potential high-paying clients?     
5. Are there specific niches or industries with higher demand for quality content?  

**2. What should I include in a pitch to grab a client’s attention?**     
– Sub-Questions:     
1. How can I personalize my pitch for different clients or industries?     
2. What are the key elements of an attention-grabbing subject line in a pitch?     
3. Should I include samples of my work in my pitch, and if so, how many?     
4. What tone or style is most effective in a pitch – formal, casual, or persuasive?     
5. How can I make my pitch concise yet informative?  

**3. How can I negotiate higher rates with clients?**     
– Sub-Questions:     
1. What strategies can I use to initiate rate negotiations with clients?     
2. How do I demonstrate my value to clients when requesting higher rates?     
3. What are common objections clients may have, and how do I address them during negotiations?     
4. How can I handle counter offers from clients effectively?     
5. Are there specific phrases or techniques for successful rate negotiations?  

**4. What are the essential elements of a freelance writer’s portfolio?**     
– Sub-Questions:     
1. How should I organize and present my portfolio for maximum impact?     
2. What types of writing samples should I include in my portfolio?     
3. Can I use unpublished or ghostwritten content in my portfolio?     
4. Should I showcase a variety of writing styles and niches in my portfolio?     
5. How often should I update my portfolio with new work?  

**5. How do I set my freelance writing rates?**     
– Sub-Questions:     
1. What factors should I consider when determining my freelance writing rates?     
2. How can I research industry standards and competitive rates?     
3. Is it better to charge per word, per hour, or per project?     
4. How can I adjust my rates based on client budget and project complexity?     
5. Should I offer tiered pricing options for different levels of service?  

These sub-questions provide a more granular view of the challenges and uncertainties that aspiring freelance writers often face. You can use these sub-questions to structure your course content, ensuring that you address each aspect comprehensively and provide actionable guidance to your course participants.  

As you can see, we now have a pretty extensive list of questions to help us understand our audience’s needs and create useful content.

You can, of course, continue asking more questions if you need to know more.

But this is a solid starting point.

Prompts For Competitor Analysis

You can’t create a better course than your competitors if you don’t know what their product offers.

Once again, ChatGPT is there to help.

Instead of individually purchasing or analyzing competing courses, ask ChatGPT to find the best courses for you and highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

You’ll need ChatGPT Plus for this prompt to work because it requires access to the internet and real-time data.

Alternatively, you can use Google Bard for this part.

ChatGPT Prompt: Do you know the most popular freelance writing courses on the internet?
ChatGPT Response:

Sure, here is a list of the best freelance writing courses.

– Pitch and Prosper by Lizzie Davey: This course teaches you how to create pitches that convert, so you can land high-paying freelance writing clients.

– Creative Class by Copyblogger: This course teaches you how to write creative and engaging copy that will help you stand out from the competition.

– Blogging for Business by Ahrefs: This course teaches you how to create a successful blog that will attract readers and clients.

– Freelance Writing Essentials by Peak Freelance: This course teaches you the basics of freelance writing, including how to find clients, set your rates, and manage your business.

– Power Writing Course by Shaan Puri: This course teaches you how to write quickly and effectively so you can meet deadlines and produce high-quality work.

– Write Your Way to Your First $1k by Elna Cain: This course teaches you how to get started as a freelance writer and how to earn your first $1k.

– Earn More Writing by Brian Tracy: This course teaches you how to increase your earnings as a freelance writer.

– Creative Freelancing Freedom by Lizzie Davey: This course teaches you how to create a successful freelance writing business and how to achieve freelancing freedom.

– Travel Writing by Travel Bloggers Hub: This course teaches you how to write travel articles that will get published.

– Gotham Writers Course by Gotham Writers Workshop: This course teaches you how to improve your writing skills and how to get published.

– The Complete Freelancing Course: Upwork, Fiverr, Elance & More by Rob Percival: This course teaches you how to find and manage clients, negotiate contracts, and create a successful freelance writing business.

– The Ultimate Copywriting Masterclass: Learn How to Write Copy That Sells by Jonathan Gebers: This course teaches you how to write copywriting that converts, including headlines, body copy, and calls to action.

– How to Become a Grant Writer: The Ultimate Guide to Grant Proposal Writing by Grant Writing Experts: This course teaches you how to write winning grant proposals, including how to research and identify funding opportunities, write compelling narratives, and create strong budgets.

– Blogging for Beginners: How to Start, Grow & Monetize Your Blog in 2024 by Mahmoud Shalaby: This course teaches you how to start, grow, and monetize a blog, including how to choose a niche, write engaging content, and attract readers.

Let’s say I want to know more about a specific course from this list.

ChatGPT Prompt: What does the course Blogging For Business By Ahrefs cover?  
ChatGPT Response:   The Blogging for Business course by Ahrefs is a comprehensive guide to creating and growing a successful blog that attracts readers, generates leads, and drives business growth. The course is designed for businesses of all sizes and experience levels, and it covers a wide range of topics, including:
– Defining your blogging goals and target audience
– Keyword research and content planning
– Crafting engaging and informative blog posts
– On-page optimization for search engines
– Link building and backlink strategies
– Promoting your blog and attracting readers
– Converting blog traffic into leads and customers

The course is taught by experienced SEO and marketing professionals who share their insights and proven strategies for success. The course also includes case studies and real-world examples to help you apply the lessons to your own blog.

Here is a more detailed overview of the course modules:
Module 1: Blogging for Business: What Should You Focus On?
– The primary goal of blogging for business
– Three customer acquisition channels that actually work
– The #1 reason why most blogs fail

Module 2: How to Grow Your Blog: Two Strategies That Work
– What is the spike of hope and why is it overrated?
– Two strategies that actually work to grow your blog
– How often should you blog? “Publish More Often” Myth Busted

Module 3: The #1 Mistake New Bloggers Make
– The #1 mistake new bloggers make
– How to determine the traffic potential of a keyword
– What is keyword difficulty?

Module 4: How to Find Great Blog Topics to Write About
– How to generate hundreds of keyword ideas from keyword research tools
– How to find keywords your competitors are ranking for
How to find low-hanging content ideas

Module 5: How to Optimize Your Articles for Search Engines
– What is on-page optimization?
– How to optimize your article titles and meta descriptions
– How to use keywords effectively in your articles
– How to structure your articles for readability

Module 6: Link Building and Backlink Strategies
– What is link building?
– Why are backlinks important?
– How to build backlinks to your blog

Module 7: Promoting Your Blog and Attracting Readers
– How to promote your blog on social media
– How to get your blog posts featured on other websites
– How to use email marketing to promote your blog

Module 8: Converting Blog Traffic into Leads and Customers
– How to create landing pages that convert
– How to use email opt-in forms to capture leads
– How to nurture your leads and turn them into customers

Module 9: Blogging for Business: Putting It All Together
– How to create a blogging strategy that works for your business
– How to track your blogging results
– How to improve your blogging skills over time

If you are serious about using blogging to grow your business, I highly recommend taking the Blogging for Business course by Ahrefs. The course is packed with valuable information and actionable strategies that can help you achieve your blogging goals.

In just one prompt, we have an overview of a competitor’s course.

But what makes this course valuable and core questions does it answer?

ChatGPT Prompt: Can you highlight the core questions it answers and what makes it so valuable  
ChatGPT Response: The Blogging for Business course by Ahrefs answers the following core questions:

1. What is the primary goal of blogging for business?
– To attract readers, generate leads, and drive business growth.
– To build relationships with potential customers and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
– To promote your products or services and increase sales.

2. What are the three customer acquisition channels that actually work?
– Content marketing
– Social media marketing
– Email marketing

3. What is the #1 reason why most blogs fail?
– Not having a clear purpose or target audience.
– Not creating high-quality content that is relevant to their target audience.
– Not promoting their blog effectively.

4. What is the #1 mistake new bloggers make?
– Publish more often than is necessary.
– Focusing on the wrong keywords.
– Not optimizing their articles for search engines.

5. How to find great blog topics to write about?
– Generate hundreds of keyword ideas from keyword research tools.
– Find keywords your competitors are ranking for.
– Find low-hanging content ideas.

6. What makes the Blogging for Business course by Ahrefs so valuable?
– The course is taught by experienced SEO and marketing professionals.
– The course is packed with valuable information and actionable strategies.
– The course includes case studies and real-world examples.
– The course is constantly updated with the latest SEO and marketing trends.  

Great, but can ChatGPT tell us the limitations of this course that we can use to our advantage?

ChatGPT Prompt: Where does it lack? Do you think there are any topics it should’ve covered but didn’t?  
ChatGPT Response:

Sure, here are some potential shortcomings of the Ahrefs Blogging for Business course: Overemphasis on Ahrefs tools: The course heavily promotes Ahrefs’ SEO tools, which can be expensive for some businesses. While the tools can be helpful, the course could be more balanced and focus on general SEO principles that can be applied with any SEO tool.

Limited focus on niche-specific strategies: The course covers a wide range of topics, but it could benefit from more in-depth coverage of niche-specific blogging strategies. For example, the course could provide more guidance on how to create content and attract readers in specific industries, such as B2B marketing, SaaS, or e-commerce.

Lack of hands-on exercises: The course is primarily theoretical and could benefit from more hands-on exercises or projects that allow students to apply the concepts they learn. This would help students solidify their understanding and gain practical experience.

Limited discussion of monetization strategies: While the course covers how to attract readers and generate leads, it could provide more in-depth guidance on how to monetize a blog. This could include strategies for affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and product sales. Overall, the Ahrefs Blogging for Business course is a valuable resource for businesses that want to learn how to use blogging to achieve their marketing goals. However, the course could be more comprehensive and practical by providing more niche-specific strategies, hands-on exercises, and in-depth coverage of monetization strategies.

Without even seeing the course, we know its weaknesses and ways we can improve it, thanks to ChatGPT.

Imagine how many competitors you can analyze with this approach and how quickly you can identify ways to create better courses.

Prompts For Developing Course Outline

We’ve done the groundwork for creating an online course. Now, it’s time to start creating content.

But first, you must create a course outline to know exactly how to structure your course.

Again, ChatGPT can be a great starting point.

Let’s take the example of the YouTube video we used in the idea generation phase. We’ll ask ChatGPT to write an outline for one of the course ideas it suggested based on the video.

ChatGPT Prompt: I like the idea “The Art and Business of Ghostwriting: Write for the Rich and Famous.” Please generate a course outline for this idea. In the outline suggest quizzes, assignments, or exercises in each module. Plus, indicate the lesson format (video, audio, text). In the case of video or audio, suggest content length.  
ChatGPT Response:
Certainly! Here’s a course outline for “The Art and Business of Ghostwriting: Write for the Rich and Famous.” This outline includes modules, lessons, suggested quizzes, assignments, and the format for each lesson:  

**Module 1: Introduction to Ghostwriting**
– Lesson 1: What is Ghostwriting? (Text)
– Lesson 2: The Pros and Cons of Ghostwriting (Video – 15 minutes)
– Lesson 3: Understanding the Ghostwriting Market (Text)  

**Module 2: Preparing for a Ghostwriting Career**
– Lesson 1: Developing Your Writing Skills (Video – 20 minutes)
– Lesson 2: Building a Ghostwriting Portfolio (Text)
– Lesson 3: Legal and Ethical Considerations (Text)
– Assignment: Create a mock ghostwriting portfolio (Text)
– Quiz: Test your knowledge of legal and ethical considerations (Quiz)  

**Module 3: Finding and Attracting Clients**
– Lesson 1: Identifying Your Niche and Target Audience (Text)
– Lesson 2: Marketing Yourself as a Ghostwriter (Video – 25 minutes)
– Lesson 3: Networking and Building Industry Relationships (Text)
– Assignment: Craft a personal brand statement (Text)  

**Module 4: Working with Clients**
– Lesson 1: The Ghostwriting Process from Start to Finish (Video – 20 minutes)
– Lesson 2: Setting Clear Expectations with Clients (Text)
– Lesson 3: Communication and Client Relationship Management (Text)
– Assignment: Draft a sample ghostwriting agreement (Text)
– Quiz: Test your understanding of client communication (Quiz)  

**Module 5: Pricing Your Ghostwriting Services**
– Lesson 1: Pricing Models for Ghostwriters (Text)
– Lesson 2: Determining Your Rates (Video – 15 minutes)
– Lesson 3: Handling Negotiations and Contracts (Text)
– Assignment: Create a pricing strategy for your services (Text)  

**Module 6: Crafting Compelling Content**
– Lesson 1: Writing in the Client’s Voice (Text)
– Lesson 2: Capturing the Essence of Your Clients (Video – 20 minutes)
– Lesson 3: Editing and Revising Ghostwritten Work (Text)
– Assignment: Rewrite a sample piece in a different voice (Text)  

**Module 7: Maintaining Client Confidentiality**
– Lesson 1: The Importance of Client Confidentiality (Text)
– Lesson 2: Strategies for Protecting Client Privacy (Text)
– Lesson 3: Ethical Dilemmas and How to Handle Them (Video – 15 minutes)
– Assignment: Write a confidentiality policy for your ghostwriting business (Text) – Quiz: Test your knowledge of confidentiality best practices (Quiz)  

**Module 8: Growing Your Ghostwriting Business**
– Lesson 1: Scaling Your Ghostwriting Services (Text)
– Lesson 2: Building a Brand as a Ghostwriter (Video – 20 minutes)
– Lesson 3: Expanding Your Offerings and Income Streams (Text)
– Assignment: Create a one-year business growth plan (Text)  

**Module 9: Real-Life Case Studies**
– Lesson 1: Success Stories of Ghostwriters (Video – 25 minutes)
– Lesson 2: Learning from Others’ Experiences (Text)  

**Module 10: Final Thoughts and Next Steps**
– Lesson 1: Reflection and Goal Setting (Text)
– Lesson 2: Marketing and Promoting Your Ghostwriting Services (Video – 15 minutes)
– Lesson 3: Taking Action: Launching Your Ghostwriting Career (Text)
– Assignment: Develop a one-month marketing plan (Text)  

**Course Wrap-Up**
– Recap of Key Takeaways and Action Steps (Video – 10 minutes)  

**Course Format:** The course primarily consists of video and text-based lessons. Videos vary in length from 10 to 25 minutes, providing in-depth explanations and real-world examples. Text-based lessons offer detailed information, guidelines, and assignments.  

**Assessments:** Quizzes and assignments are included throughout the course to test students’ understanding of the material and encourage practical application of concepts.

This course outline provides a structured and comprehensive learning experience for aspiring ghostwriters, combining theoretical knowledge with practical exercises and real-world insights.  

Now, that is an excellent course outline draft that you can tailor to your specific needs and goals. It gives you a complete list of topics along with the right formats to cover them.

All that’s left is to create the content for each lesson.

Prompts For Writing Course Content

Most course creators use a combination of text lessons and training videos, along with assignments, quizzes, and exercises to make their courses more engaging.

Thankfully, you can easily create each of those content formats using ChatGPT prompts.

Creating a Text Lesson

Let’s say the first lesson in our course is “An Introduction To Ghostwriting”.

ChatGPT Prompt: The first lesson of my course is “An Introduction To Ghostwriting”. What should I cover in it?
ChatGPT Response:  
Great! Let’s start with Lesson 1: “What is Ghostwriting?” This lesson will introduce your students to the concept of ghostwriting and its significance in the world of writing. You can use this as a text-based lesson. Here’s the content for Lesson 1:  

**Lesson 1: What is Ghostwriting?**  
– Welcome to the world of ghostwriting! In this lesson, we will explore the fundamentals of ghostwriting, its role in the writing industry, and why it’s a valuable skill.  

**Section 1: Defining Ghostwriting**
– What is Ghostwriting?  
– Ghostwriting defined: We’ll define ghostwriting and explain how it differs from traditional authorship.  
– The Invisible Writer: Explore the concept of the ghostwriter as an invisible collaborator behind the scenes.  

**Section 2: The Role of a Ghostwriter**
– The Ghostwriter’s Responsibilities  
– Ghostwriting assignments: Discuss the types of content a ghostwriter may work on, such as books, articles, speeches, and more.  
– The client’s vision: Understand the importance of capturing the client’s voice, tone, and message.  

**Section 3: Why Ghostwriting Matters**
– The Significance of Ghostwriting  
– Why ghostwriters are in demand: Explore the reasons why individuals and businesses hire ghostwriters.  
– The impact on clients: Highlight how ghostwriters help clients achieve their writing goals.  

**Section 4: Ethical Considerations** – Ethics and Ghostwriting   – Ethics in ghostwriting: Discuss the ethical dilemmas that ghostwriters may face and the importance of transparency.   – Maintaining confidentiality: Explain the ethical obligation of keeping client information confidential.   **Conclusion:** – Conclusion and Summary – Recap the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the definition, responsibilities, significance, and ethics of ghostwriting.   **Assignment:** – Reflect on the role of a ghostwriter and write a brief paragraph about why you are interested in pursuing ghostwriting as a career. What aspects of ghostwriting appeal to you?   This introductory lesson sets the foundation for understanding what ghostwriting is and its ethical considerations. It also encourages students to reflect on their own motivations for pursuing a career in ghostwriting. Feel free to modify or expand upon this content to suit your teaching style and objectives.

Now you have an outline for your first lesson. You can write it yourself or ask ChatGPT to do it for you.

Here’s an example prompt you can use.

ChatGPT Prompt:  
Write a 1000-word lesson with the following sections  
– What is freelance ghostwriting?
– How is it different from conventional writing?
– What are the types of ghostwriting?
– What’s the job of a freelance ghostwriter?
– What’s the most lucrative target audience for freelance ghostwriters?  

Explain each question using example scenarios.  
Audience: Beginner freelance writers looking to earn their first $1000/month with freelance ghostwriting.
Tone: Casual, conversational, informative
Style: Engaging, everyday language that’s easily understandable to an 8th grader.
Things to avoid: Jargon, complex words  

Review the results of this prompt for accuracy and tailor the content to your style. With 3-4 revision prompts and a little editing, you’ll be able to generate a high-quality piece of content for your course lesson.

Then do this one by one for every text lesson, and you’ll have a high-quality course on your topic.

To make your content more informative, you can copy/paste articles about your topic in ChatGPT and ask it to use them while writing your content.

Prompts For Writing Video Scripts

Writing video scripts is quite similar to generative text lessons. But you need to make the tone less formal and ensure that your video isn’t too long (5-10 mins max).

Here’s a prompt you can use to generate a video script.

ChatGPT Prompt:  
You’re an expert scriptwriter for online course videos. Write the script for a 10-minute video about “The Qualities Of A Successful Freelance Ghostwriter”

I want the script to be:  
– Free flowing and conversational
– Everyday language
– No jargon
– Helpful and informative
– Broken down into multiple sections
– Must include examples for every section
ChatGPT Response:  
[INTRODUCTION] Host (on-screen, smiling): Hey there! Welcome back to our online course on freelance ghostwriting. In this video, we’re diving into the qualities that make a successful freelance ghostwriter. If you’re passionate about writing and considering ghostwriting as a career, this is the perfect place to start. No fancy jargon here, just practical insights. Let’s get into it!  
[Section 1: Strong Writing Skills]
Host (on-screen, enthusiastic): First and foremost, you’ve got to have strong writing skills. Your words are your currency, so it’s crucial to be able to craft engaging, error-free content.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): Imagine you’re asked to write a blog post for a technology influencer. Your writing should be crisp, concise, and loaded with tech-savvy terms.  

[Section 2: Versatility]
Host (on-screen, animated): Being versatile is key. You won’t be writing the same thing every day. One day, it’s a fashion blog, the next, it’s a technical manual. Adaptability is your friend.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): You might be hired to ghostwrite a lifestyle article for a travel blogger, then switch gears to write a script for a corporate training video. Versatility keeps the gigs rolling in!  

[Section 3: Research Skills]
Host (on-screen, engaged): Ghostwriters need solid research skills. You have to dive deep into various topics and pull out gems of information. It’s like being a detective of knowledge.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): Imagine you’re writing a health and wellness book for a nutritionist. You need to dig into the latest dietary trends, scientific studies, and expert opinions.  

[Section 4: Excellent Communication]
Host (on-screen, expressive): Communication is not just about writing; it’s about understanding your client’s needs. Ask the right questions, actively listen, and communicate effectively.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): You’re working on a project for a celebrity chef. Clear communication helps you capture their culinary voice, style, and vision.  

[Section 5: Deadline-Oriented]
Host (on-screen, determined): Ghostwriting often comes with tight deadlines. It’s essential to manage your time efficiently and deliver high-quality work on time.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): Imagine writing a series of social media posts for an upcoming product launch. Missing the deadline could cost your client big bucks!  

[Section 6: Professionalism]
Host (on-screen, composed): Professionalism is non-negotiable. It means meeting deadlines, following style guides, and respecting client confidentiality. Your reputation depends on it.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): You’re ghostwriting a memoir for a famous actor. Keeping their life story under wraps until the book launch is a must.  

[Section 7: Adapt to Different Voices]
Host (on-screen, friendly): Ghostwriting often involves adopting various tones and voices. Whether it’s casual, formal, or technical, you need to mimic your client’s unique style.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): Imagine writing Instagram captions for an influencer known for their quirky humor. Your writing should match their personality.  

[Section 8: Marketing Savvy]
Host (on-screen, insightful): Knowing a bit about marketing is a bonus. Understanding SEO, social media, and content promotion can make you more valuable to clients.  
[Example Scenario: On-screen text displays]
Host (voiceover): You’re writing a blog post for a startup’s website. Crafting content that not only informs but also ranks well on search engines can boost your client’s business.  

Host (on-screen, encouraging): And there you have it, the qualities that make a successful freelance ghostwriter. Remember, it’s not about knowing complex jargon; it’s about practical skills and dedication. Keep honing your craft, and you’re on your way to becoming an in-demand ghostwriter. Thanks for joining us today, and we’ll catch you in the next video!  
[Outro with host waving, on-screen text displays course details]
Host (on-screen, waving): Bye for now!  

[End of video]

Use this as a draft script for your video and improve it as you go.

For example, if you think a section is light on information, ask ChatGPT specifically to share more information about it.

Similarly, if you want to copy a competitor’s style, copy/paste their video transcript in ChatGPT and write a prompt to replicate it in your script.

Be Creative With ChatGPT Prompts To Create Your Online Course

ChatGPT is an exciting tool that takes the burden of content creation off your shoulders. So, enjoy using it and be creative while writing your prompts. Try different combinations and test ChatGPT’s limits.

It’s a constantly evolving tool and its capabilities will only improve with time. As an online course creator, this means your work will only get easier as long as you know how to use these tools.

But if you want your course to truly stand out, don’t forget to add your personal experiences and perspectives to your content. Because that’s what your customers are actually paying for.

Head shot of Learning Revolution Founder Jeff Cobb

Jeff Cobb, Founder of Learning Revolution

Jeff Cobb is an expert in online education and the business of adult lifelong learning. Over the past 20+ years he has built a thriving career based on that expertise – as an entrepreneur, a consultant, an author, and a speaker. Learning Revolution is a place where Jeff curates tips, insights, and resources to help you build a thriving expertise-based business. Learn more about Jeff Cobb here.

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