
Last Updated on July 11, 2024

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I did a series of 21 podcast episodes that include the interviews I did for the book as well as interviews with a range of other experts with perspectives that relate to the booming market for online education and training.  Like the book that inspired it – Leading the Learning Revolution – the podcast offers insights and practical strategies that will help you build a thriving training, education, and lifelong learning business.

You can check out episodes here on the site, subscribe by RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio. If you like the podcast, be sure to give it a tweet!

Here are some of the more popular episodes:

Here are the interviews I conducted while writing Leading the Learning Revolution (all of which I turned into podcast episodes).

3 thoughts on “Podcast”

  1. I noticed that several of the above episodes are not available in iTunes. I see 10 there but not the interview with Alan Weiss for example. Or the Boost Your Brand episode. I’d like to be able to listen to these along with my other podcasts. Help?

    1. It looks like the feed was set to only display 10 items. I just changed that. It may take it a while to update on iTunes, but I am assuming that will make them show up. – Jeff

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