Last Updated on July 11, 2024


You can swing a cat and hit a Webinar announcement these days. Nonetheless, it’s hard to build pretty much any business – much less a training or education business – if you aren’t proficient at using Webinars and Webcasts for delivery of content. Here is some top webinar software to ensure you’re producing the best online courses.

As far as the tools go, it’s hard to go wrong if you stick with one of the big four – with Zoom being the leader right now. Whatever you may like or not about them, they are familiar to most users, and that can make all the difference in delivering a great experience. Here’s what I consider the big four to be:

That said, there are other options, and some of them may be better for your purposes. I’ve used all of the above at one point or another – and still use Zoom – but I’m starting to move many Learning Revolution Webinars to WebinarNinja. It’s very easy to use and is much more geared toward entrepreneurs than the others.

WebinarNinja screenshot
We like how easy it is to switch between slide and presenter view in WebinarNinja. Give it a try.

Finally, if you want an easy route to get your Webinars up, running, and out into the market, you may want to check out WizIQ. Starting at $19 per month, the  company provides a platform for delivering free and recorded Webinar-type courses and then charges a 10% fee for anything you sell through its catalog.

If you have questions, or want to share your own experiences with any of these tools, please comment below.

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