Don’t miss this rock solid example of audience building

By Jeff Cobb.  Last Updated on July 11, 2024

I recently did an interview with the folks at WP Tonic and I think it is worth highlighting for a number of reasons that apply to edupreneurs.

Here’s the interview link:

Here are the reasons:

This is yet another example of using relevant, educational content to attract an audience and build brand – a continuing theme here at Learning Revolution. WP Tonic offers WordPress learning platform and membership site services, so the content they produce focuses on topics likely to attract people interested in these services.

Aside from interviewing WordPress experts, they are smart to interview people like me  – i.e., people with established audiences interested in learning platforms. This helps give them exposure to a wider audience (as, for example, through this blog post) and they may also pick up some extra brand equity from associating with recognized experts.

It is a great example of getting multiple uses out of a single effort at creating content. In addition to posting it on their Web site, the WP Tonic folks broadcast the initial interview over Facebook Live – very easy to do when using Zoom. It can still be accessed on Facebook as well as on the WP Tonic YouTube channel.

They put a transcript on the Web page for the interview, greatly increasing the SEO potential for the content.

They also only published part of the interview through the standard podcast feed (which you would access through services like iTunes). To get the full content, you have to go to their Web site or YouTube channel.

Related to the above, they clearly put effort into asking good questions and, in general, making the content good enough that listeners will want to get more by visiting their Web site or YouTube channel.

There are, of course, upsides in all of this for me (and, remember, I am a big advocate of you seeking out podcast interviews to build your audience and brand. See: What’s the best way to market online courses).

I get exposure to their audience – an audience that is likely to be interested in my writing.

I get links back to the Learning Revolution site – valuable for traffic and SEO.

I get content I can share with my audience in many ways – for example, by using it as the basis for a newsletter like this.

I got to have a great discussion with engaged, interesting people who helped to enhance and expand my thinking about the market for lifelong education.

And, I hope that last point is one you will take to heart. This is, in my opinion, an interesting conversation and one worth listening to irrespective of most of the points above. I encourage you to set aside a little time to give it a listen – and, of course, reflect on the points above while you are at it.

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